Not Enough Facebook Friends? Buy Some

Whoever said money can’t buy friends is dead wrong…at least when it comes to Facebook friends. A new service called uSocial offers the chance to buy Facebook “friends” for the bargain price of $200 for 1,000 friends or you can get 5,000 buds for the reduced rate of $654.30.

Here’s how it works:

USocial logs in to a client’s Facebook profile or creates a new one. It seeks out people who would be a good fit—like car buffs if uSocial is trying to promote an auto-parts company—and sends them friends requests tailored to that business. The requests don’t mention that uSocial is working on behalf of the business.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Facebook representatives say uSocial violates Facebook’s terms of service. They say that volunteering your account information makes the site less secure, and that doling out friend requests for someone else—as the uSocial service does—makes the social networking site less authentic. Plus, some critics warn that random”friend” requests could potentially really irritate Facebook users.

Sure, receiving “friend” requests from someone you’ve never met can get pretty annoying. But is Facebook really that authentic in the first place? Ask the person who has 2,000 so-called “friends”—no matter how they acquired them.