Guyz the TYM has come to JUMP-OFF the horrid UCT wagon and that academic ride and PWaaarttty HARDEST.... as in we shall pick u all up off the pavement becoz we want you to party that hard! that's our promise!! iTS gonna be a JAMM.... without bread or butter... but jaaast AWESOME!! We'll be having some killer ASS Disc Jockey's (who says that?) i mean KILLER DJ's, like TINO, DOMZ, LA, Buhle G and even HOTTER than HOTT DJ's WILL and OZY... they play what you wanna hear..... what is that you ask?? Aaahhh GUYZ errthang.... Hip-Hop, EA muzik, Ragga or is it Reggae? BOTH actually! and for our curious FOLK, who joined becoz we love them.... we have House and all other thingz guyz wanna hear (at a party!?!).... which as i say.. again.... AWESOME TYMMZ to come!!
So basically the steps to follow are:
1. Come to Jammie all week during Meridian and get your ticket.... if you buy on Jammie.. im thinking there are GIFTS for you!!
2. If you cannot make it to Jammie, fine there no gifts but tickets are on sale in ALL your Residences... all of them just find your rep and holla at them PROPER!
3. Tell all your home-skillet bizcuitz to come to the HOTTEST jamm of 1st semester EVA!
4. Look PHHHLYY* SMART CASUAL is a GR8 IDEA* on Friday the 19th March and Come to the BUS on LOWER CAMPUS and get on! *WITH YOUR ID*
5. Arrive at the CLUB *with your ID* and jaaast JAMM.. JAmm... JAMM... JAMMM, enjoy drink special ALL NYT.. as in ALL NYT
6. Get tired at about 4am and JUMP/ CRAWL on a BUS nd Come home!
See its simple as 1...2...3... and 4, 5,6 (ehehe)So come to Jammie, MERIDIAN.... get on our wagon and enjoy the RIDE.. to