1. Generous:the pal who has fallen behind can always provide expert wingman services by way of payment.

2. Perceptive:A first-rate Drinking Buddy knows your tewndancies. Do you love coloureds? When trying to mack on a weak chick, he may feel duty-bound to try and talk you down, but if his warning is heard and rejected, he won’t cock-block you. He’s your buddy, not your babysitter.

3. Jocular:A good Buddy will laugh at you. No, not with you.Part of a DB’s appeal is that he knows when you are full of shit, or acting like an idiot.

4. Loyal:Win or lose, he’s got your back.

5. Safety Conscious:Two heads are better than one, even when they’re swimming in spirits.

6. Thoughtful:He knows what you like to drink, and keeps a bottle or two handy

7. Welcoming:After the drinking is (finally) over, you don’t even have to ask. The couch is yours.

8. Diplomatic:When your girlfriend wants to know where the hell you were last night, he’ll cover for you.

9. Unambitious

10. Discrete:What happens when you boozed stays unrevealed.