Candy-Eating Kids Grow Up To Be Violent Criminals

British scientists claim that there is a connection between eating too many sweets as a child and becoming violent in adulthood. The research, lead by Simon Moore of Cardiff University, investigated the factors that lead children to commit serious crimes. It was found that kids with the worst problems tend to be impulsive risk takers, and that these kids had terrible diets.

In fact correlation of numbers showed that nearly 70% of criminals convicted for violent crimes by the age of 34 reported of eating candy sweets almost everyday as youngsters. When they tried to find if these results might have been influenced by other factors like parental permissiveness, economic status, urban or rural locations, the result remain the same. In other words regardless of the other environmental and lifestyle factors, the frequency of sweet-eating in childhood strongly predicates adult violence.

While the association may be preliminary, says Moore "I think looking at diet is a fairly novel way to think of behaviour over the live course"


Jullie Beya said...

hahahahaha clearly i better book myself a jail cell!